Flexibility Mobility

Functional Range Conditioning® Mobility Specialist and Kinstretch® Certified Instructor

Functional Range Conditioning (FRC®) is a system of mobility training based on sound scientific principles. It is a system of joint health, and mobility training based in scientific principles and research. Mobility refers to the amount of USABLE motion that one possesses across a particular articulation (joint).

FRC® is an advanced, and comprehensive system allowing for musculoskeletal assessment and rehabilitation utilized by leading manual medical practitioners and therapists around the world.

Unlike many therapy systems which are created based on trial and error and passed down over the years, FRC® was created out of the most current scientific literature. It therefore represents a cohesive system of manual care using the best evidence, and most effective strategies currently available to assess, diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate musculoskeletal disorders, pain, and movement dysfunction.

Kinstretch is a movement enhancement system that develops maximum body control, flexibility and useable ranges of motion. It helps to develop improved movement capacity, improved ranges of motion, improved body awareness and control, improved strength, improved neurological function, injury prevention/mitigation and rehabilitation.